Many homeowners are first time fence buyers. Experience teaches us all judgement and trust, but both are harder to come by the first time around. If that sounds familiar to you, here are a few thoughts to keep in mind.

Get more estimates for comparison

We encourage it. Most companies offer free estimates so there’s no reason not to. If one of the numbers seems unusually high or low ask yourself why that might be. Dig deeper and ask a lot of questions. We’ve always felt that an informed customer is a happy customer and have designed our site and business with that philosophy in mind.

We’ve been in business since 1976

Way back when we used to eagerly wait for the day the Yellow Pages came out. The ads were pretty pricey (one for the whole year!) and we wanted to see how ours stacked up with the competition.

We’ve kept copies of those phone books and when we look through them today it’s striking how few of the folks we competed with are still around. Don’t get us wrong, there’s still a lot of quality competition out there. But we think longevity is something to be proud of, so we aren’t shy about mentioning it.

A+ Rating at the Better Business Bureau

The BBB is still the gold standard, and we maintain an A+ rating. We’ve also won the Consumer Choice Award in our industry for over 20 consecutive years (1997-2023).

But I saw a bad review online…

We do well over a thousand jobs a year and every once in a while one has issues. Communication is usually the culprit, and we’re working hard every day to improve it. We ask you to judge us on the entirety of our record, and if you have particular questions, then…

Fire away

If you have more questions about us we’re happy to answer them. Call 613-736-1122 or hit the chat button on the right during business hours.